Booking your Alaska Salmon fishing trip

With all the lodges, camps and guides in Alaska, how do you go about choosing the best place for you?

Let’s look at what species of Salmon you’d like to target?  There are 5 types of Salmon in Alaska.  King (Chinook) Salmon, Coho (Silver) Salmon, Sockeye (Red) Salmon, Chum (Dog) Salmon, and Pink (Humpy) Salmon.  All of these have different techniques used to catch them, different run times, and different quality of meat.

Most popular eating Salmon, among folks is the Sockeye (Red) Salmon. It however, can be the most difficult to catch.  The technique most widely used for catching Sockeye, is called flossing.  Flossing, is an art form, you are basically snagging the fish in the mouth. Granted, sometimes you actually get some of them to bite your small fly or a bead.  The majority of the time however, you zip the line through the water and hook them in and around the mouth area.   It’s the best way to catch these tasty Salmon, but not the most enjoyable way to fish.

If Sockeye (Red) Salmon is your target species, ask your lodge owner, or guide how you’re going to fish and if there are other species to fish for in that area.  Flossing Sockeye Salmon is not like back trolling for big King Salmon.  The novelty wears off quickly, but don’t let me persuade you with my opinion.

Silver (Coho) Salmon are another tasty Salmon and much more enjoyable to catch.  The technique is mostly casting and retrieving a spinner, spoon, stripping a fly and or twitching jigs.  Most of the time you can see these fish take your lure!  Making this fishery that much more enjoyable.  Silver Salmon run later than the King, Sockeye, and Chum runs, usually coinciding with the Pink Salmon run in early August in many areas. Pink (Humpy) Salmon are much like Silver Salmon in that they chase lures, fly’s and twitching jig’s, but the meat however is not like that of a Silver Salmon and are mostly just a catch and release fishery.

Chum (Dog) Salmon kind of get a bad rap.  Often called Dog Salmon by the locals of Alaska.  The meat on the Chum Salmon turns soft quickly once in the river system.   They have a mild taste much like Steelhead and are excellent to smoke.  Many of the Chum Salmon fishing coincides with King runs on many rivers.  Most of these fish are caught while targeting King Salmon, striking plugs, bait, and spinners.  Topping off your fish box with a few Chum for the smoker isn’t a bad idea, they are a lot better than eating Tule Salmon, that is for sure.

King (Chinook) Salmon the most sought after sport caught Salmon in Alaska!  The size and strength of these Salmon are superior to all other species.  Kings are aggressive biters and can be caught with several kinds of different fishing techniques.  Big King Salmon, are also tasty when they are fresh from the ocean.  With a lot of options for fishing opportunities for King Salmon we will focus the continuation article on them.

The second part to this blog will share some rivers that are best for catching King Salmon.

Beginner Photography

Wildlife Photography can be the most rewarding, yet challenging photography for photographers… These are some shots taken over the last year with the new Nikon D850 and the Nikon 200-500 MM lens… Knowing nothing about F Stops, aperture speed, ISO settings and other numerous settings for this camera, I watched hours of YouTube videos and podcasts to figure it out…

Here are some things that helped me figure out the Nikon D850 camera and Wildlife Photography…

First thing that became apparent to me was with a big lens on zoom you shake too much when hand held shooting… So shooting at a higher speed takes out some of that blur and some of that wiggle, unless on a tripod of course… With that, make sure you up your ISO to allow more light to get to your light sensor with that fast shutter speed…  So higher ISO when shooting faster shutter speed… That will allow the pic to be clear with no blur and plenty of light getting into the photo…

Second thing that became important was to take practice shots randomly to make sure you have the right settings for when that bird or deer pops up and you’re ready to go… Having missed a lot of great shots because the settings were wrong, cost a lot of  pictures that could have been amazing but turned out too dark or too bright…  So now checking my settings with some quick practice shots help make sure not to miss those shots…

Thirdly, practice practice practice… Take lots of photo’s and use lots of different settings, this will help you know automatically what settings you need to be at depending on what conditions you are shooting in…

These are some basic tips for beginner to novice photographers like me…

Moose Hunting 2018 Season

Mulchatna bull
Looking for a fight

Click here for wrap up Success

Moose hunting
60 inch wide Old Bull of the Mulchatna… A true trophy and excellent bull to harvest.
Across from camp a young bull
Morning Bull, First Light.
Silver Salmon on spinners
Bright Red Silver Salmon
Fishing for Rainbows
Mulchatna River Rainbow
Mulchatna river Moose
Keefer Creek Valley

The 2018 Season on the Mulchatna River was an exciting one to say the least. We worked hard to find a bull.  With the temperatures being 65-73 degrees everyday, this kept the Bulls down throughout the day.  We really only had short morning hunts until the sun came up and the bugs came out.  Can’t recall a season like this before but glad we were able to find a great bull with only a few days left in our hunt… We were able to get over 600 pounds of boned out meat off of this giant bull… So the hunter will have lots of steaks and burger for the next few years…

Toman’s King Camp

We are getting ready for our annual Toman’s King Camp on the Nushagak River.  Dillingham, Alaska is the nearest town in the area and is known for it’s variety of different types of fish and fishing.  From our King Camp alone you can catch King Salmon, Chum Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Grayling, Arctic Char, Dolly Varden and Northern Pike.  That’s a lot of variety to chose from.  Our main focus is on King Salmon, hence the name Toman’s King Camp.  The season is going to start the 17th of June and we will be fishing until the 10th of July.  Hope to see some of you at camp and or on the river!

King Salmon fishing in Alaska
Beautiful King Salmon